New & Returning Player drive

If you are a brand new player to DR 3.0 (either totally new to DR or haven’t been here since 2.0), you will receive the following:

•Railway Carepackage—New players will receive a set of starter equipment, built to help one survive in the wasteland.

 -1 set of armor, 1 basic inject, 1 basic mind brew, 1 basic healing brew. 

-1 Firearm OR Bow 

-1 Shield 

-3 Melee Weapons (Any combination of Small, Standard, Two-Handed) 

-6 Thrown Weapons 

-1 Unarmed Combat weapon (Unarmed Combat items always come in pairs of two—one for each hand) 

-1 Starter Armor (5 Armor Points) 

-Choice of 1: Dr. Ottomans Doctors Kit, Dr. Ottomans Sawbones Kit, Dr. Ottomans Disease Control Kit

•Crew Benefits—Anyone who comes with at least one(1) other new or returning player is guaranteed to share their NPC shift. Fight your buddies with your other buddies!

•Road Rumors—A small package of plot specific items that helps you jump into the local plot of the weekend and beyond.

•Discounted Ticket Price–First game is only $35!

•Ticket to Ride—Your first infection loss is on the house! Once in your first 3 games, if you would lose infection, you may expend Ticket to Ride and prevent the infection loss. Experiencing character death & the Mortis Amaranthine is one of the most fun and unique elements of Dystopia Rising. We want you to be able to experience it for the first time with a little less anxiety (though if you want to lose infection, you totally can! It can be a great driving force for story).

•Survivor’s Heirloom—If you are new to 3.0 but not totally new to DR, bring an item card from the last time you played, even if it’s expired or from 2.0, and we’ll give you an appropriate equivalent 3.0 item with an updated expiration date.

Haven’t been to Dystopia Rising Virginia in the last 6 months? You will receive the benefits from our Welcome to the Neighborhood drive!

•Tactical tchotchkes (Tier 2)—Gain one complimentary tier 2 tactical tchotchke.

•Crew Benefits—Anyone who comes with at least one(1) other new or returning player is guaranteed to share their NPC shift. Fight your buddies with your other buddies!

•Discounted Ticket Price—$20 off your first game back at DR:VA. 

•Road Rumors—A small package of plot specific items that helps you jump into the local plot of the weekend and beyond.


November 2023 Recap


july 2023 recap