Guide application
What is a Guide?
Interested in joining our team and going the extra mile to help make DR:VA wonderful? But what exactly is a guide? A guide is someone who accepts a higher level of responsibility at Dystopia Rising: Virginia. A guide shift takes place during your standard NPC time.
Guides also get some great benefits for all their hard work!
Guide Benefits:
Guaranteed 4 hour NPC shift
Guide ticket pricing for attendance (65 VS the standard 85 for a 4 hour ticket)
New players brought on by a guide get their first ticket 100% free
3 Month Extension on your Advanced Membership
An Extra Character Swap during the weekend
More to come in DR: Live!
Positions Details:
Ops guides oversee the mod book and work with our writers to make sure there is content to run out in the field. They take notes on the mods that run in order to help our writers maintain continuity. They can also run Post-Death scenes for characters who have died. Essentially, you help ensure that monster camp runs smoothly!
Rules or Field guides manage NPCs out in the field, keep NPCs in high spirits, answer questions players might have while on a module, and make sure rules are being adhered to.
Public Works guides run the Public Works and make sure everyone gets their item cards and blueprints for all their crafting project needs. Public works guides must be able to write neatly and accurately and have a decent grasp on mechanics.
Settings Guides keep monster camp tidy, take inventory of makeup and costuming, and prepare our NPCs to look as scary and accurate as possible. Hygiene and time management skills are essential.
Responsibility & Self Care
Being a guide can be taxing at times. In order for us to show up properly for our players, we prioritize mental health and self care. While we expect guides to be able to attend the majority of our events (around 9 out of 12 events per year), we understand that things crop up. Guides are encouraged to communicate with us about their availability and let us know if they are unable to attend. Real life comes first, always.
Please fill out the following form truthfully and to the best of your ability. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.