Theater of War

Jericho Junction is under siege by Rosenberg and Diamondback forces. Both are trained, well equipped combatants and have surrounded the town to cut off access for reinforcements and supplies. The roads, waterways, and skies in the area are heavily guarded and have made it impossible to get vehicles through.

The ‘Theater Of War’ is a system by which the players may fight back against their enemy and free up the lockdown on the town. Much like Most Wanted, these are meant to be side missions that players can take on when they wish and have varying degrees of difficulty associated with them. There are no skill or XP requirements to taking on a mission, so everyone is able to participate if they wish.

Road Closed
For the duration of the war, all vehicles will be unable to be used at any level. This includes the use of vehicles to avoid any travel mods or entering town mechanics. Nomads may still use their Lineage Advantage and spend 1 Resolve to avoid things if they have a vehicle card. However, this does not enable them to use any vehicle ability as long as this effect is in play.

Clearing The Way
Players may take on missions (scouted and compiled by the various Financial Institutions of Jericho) through the Theater Of War system to gain gradual access to using vehicles and their abilities. Each vehicle has its own set of missions to complete to make them available for use, so there are five sets of missions in total.

Completing a mission in a set helps unlock the use of a single level of a vehicle. For example, players take on and complete the first mission in the set for the Ol’ Faithful Wasteland Hauler; upon completion, the Basic ability of the Hauler may be used from that point on.

That’s three missions per set, five sets of missions, for a grand total of 15 missions to fully unlock all vehicles.

As stated above, there are no mechanical requirements to taking on a mission. Some of these missions may be using a “Switch” mod format, requiring a minimum number of people to do. This information will be posted on the Theater Of War board next to the Public Works. When you are ready to take on a mission, simply inform Ops and they will prepare the mod accordingly.

Missions can vary in difficulty depending on the level of ability you are seeking to unlock and the kind of vehicle it is. Wasteland Haulers and Zeppelins are extremely useful and therefore, the defenses against them are more viciously guarded. You’ll be given an idea of the objectives and expected difficulty of a mission on the board.

There is no limit to the amount of missions that can be done during an event (aside from time constraints). Though Ops may need a few hours between missions to run other content. So get out there and do some missions!