Dystopia Rising: Virginia Branch Specific CAPS Rewards
Xandrian Archives-—50 Caps
Purchase of 1 Non-Local Blueprint of the player’s choice.
Tactical tchotchkes: Tier 1—50 Caps
Allows the player access to (1) limited time local mechanic for the weekend, decided at the time of purchase. The mechanic expires at the end of the event at which it was purchased. Use of these mechanics should be marked on the back of your character sheet just like skill usage. This a live list with rotating items, determined by story. Some items may flux in availability. Get em’ and use em’ while they’re hot!
Flash! Bang! - The weaponsmiths of Second Division have come up with a quick little device to help you out of a sticky situation. Once during the event, you may roleplay throwing something at your feet and call “Flash! Bang!: Area Of Effect, all <target>, Stun”. The target of the call may be Raider, Undead, or Critter which you choose when making the call.
Friendship Bracelets - The folks in the Society Of Merit don’t believe in leaving anyone behind and have made special friendship bracelets to help keep track of your buddies! During the event, you may carry two people in bleed out with one use of Basic Enhanced Movement.
On Your Feet! - Once per 12's you may give a 30 second rousing pep talk to an ally to call "On Your Feet!: Upsurge 10 Body." If used on an ally in Bleed Out it instead heals 10 Body.Tactical tchotchkes: Tier 2—100 Caps
Last Stand - When it comes down to it, you just gotta draw a line in the sand and fight until your last breath. Once during the event, you may RP planting yourself in one place and call “Last Stand”. You Upsurge 10 Armor, Heal 20 Body, and swing 5 damage. You cannot be unwillingly moved from that spot (call Immune, Last Stand) and if you move voluntarily, the effect ends. The effect also ends when you reach 0 Body. When the effect ends, you drop into a 1 minute Bleed Out.
Battle Ready Workflow: When you are creating an item using Artisan, you may spend double the Mind cost of the blueprint and create an additional item with the keyword "Battle Ready". The Battle Ready item will expire at the end of the event.
Press the Advantage - Once per event, in response to an enemy calling a Defensive Skill (Avoid, Balance, Basic Mental Endurance, and Defend) your next Basic or Proficient Offensive Skill or Item Activation within 10 seconds is reduced to 1 Mind.
Citizen Papers—100 Caps
Gives a player 1 additional character swap during the weekend.
Medical Infrastructure—-500 caps
Player may purchase 1 Ottoman’s bag of players choice.
Community Action Points is a system of expressing gratitude that exists to reward players that go the extra mile in making the community of Dystopia Rising a better place. These points can be turned in for things that will enhance their in-game experience.
This program aims to offer a way to show that the game runners of Dystopia Rising appreciate people who want to make things better for those around them.
CAPs are universally recorded in the Character Database: The number of CAPs received and turned in from anywhere in the network can be found on the player sheets, under the CAPs tab, or sometimes in the notes section.
Here at Dystopia Rising Virginia, we have a special caps list in addition to the standard caps rewards list you will find used across the network.
CAPs are given at the discretion of game runners to individuals who have gone above and beyond to contribute to the game in a positive way. This can be anything from helping a fellow player to assisting game runners to make things happen by donating props or extra time as an NPC.
Below is an example of CAPs awards:
Thank You!: 10 CAPs
Above and Beyond: 25 CAPs
Life Saver: 50 CAPs
There Are No Words: 100 CAPs
Extra Casting: 10 CAPs per hour
Guides: 40 CAPs per event attended, for being great
CAPs are Branch Specific:
CAPs are branch-specific and only able to be turned in at the branch they were received. We want people to take part in helping whatever community they are currently in and not just the one they are from. Exception: CAPs received from Network level (earned at Network events and through network-wide initiatives) may be turned in at any local branch and Network events at the event organizer’s discretion.Good Standing: Individuals must be in good standing to receive awards from turning in CAPs.
Sharing: CAPS cannot be transferred from one player to another. However, you can choose to spend your CAPs to give a reward to someone else. This is so any player can tip their CAP to anyone in appreciation.
Community: CAPs can be combined from several players to receive a group reward, like a Zone of Mechanics.